Amenities & Facilities

We do not give you just rooms to stay. We give you an environment so you can experience the best while on a holiday with us. Walk into our hotel and enjoy a refreshing, rejuvenating, day-off with us.


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Imagen de desayuno casa del mar

Continental Breakfast

Start the day with a continental breakfast of gallo pinto, fresh fruit and orange juice for a relaxing day.

Imagen de la amenidad del jacuzzi casa del mar

Outdoor Jacuzzi

In the center of our hotel we have a small jaccuzi, perfect for relaxing, having a drink or sharing with other guests.

Imagen de amenidad del parqueo del Hotel Casa del Mar

Free Parking Lot

Our facilities include a parking lot, security cameras and a security guard at night.

Imagen habitación Hotel Casa Del Mar

Fully equipped cabins

We offer special computers and WiFi for guests who’d like to stay connected while on vacation.

Imagen de Amenidad de cercania con la playa

Just steps from the beach

Our hotel is in the heart of Samara, just across the street you can enjoy the beach.

Cartel logo casa del mar

Privacy and security is our priority

We take care of the privacy of our customers as well as their security, so we have security cameras, a large parking area for the safety of vehicles as well as a security guard at night.